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Melted Ice Cream EP05

ANYAI search Toria’s face for clues that she’s joking. A waiter weaves between tables, the aroma of baked pastries trailing in his wake. But I’m barely aware of any of it. Her words keep ringing in my ears: I’d have to pay for my plane ticket to her “destination” wedding.“You’re hilarious,” I say, forcing a […]

Melted Ice Cream EP01

ANYA Our friendship always felt lopsided, like an ice cream cone melting unevenly—one side a puddle, the other still standing tall. I was always on the melted side, the side that dripped down your hand and left you sticky and scrambling. That meant I never had the upper hand. I was the one who needed […]

The Siblings EP30

DEJI Do one nice thing for each other every day for the next week. This was Dr Amber’s assignment for them this week. They’d had two sessions with her and Deji felt like he couldn’t wait till they got to the good part because why did couple’s counselling seem like it was creating more of […]

The Siblings EP29

ORE The news of their father’s remarriage was a welcome distraction for Ore.  Things had been tense since Wednesday when she had the text mix-up with Ramsey and Terry. At first, she had ignored Ramsey’s question mark message because her hands were trembling and she couldn’t seem to type anything. Her chest felt like it […]