Oluwole & Oluwole was one of the top corporate law firms in Abuja; top on Imade’s Top Law Firms in Abuja list when she got back from her Master’s in the UK, and after dropping off her CV at sixteen of the firms on her list, being told the customary we will get back to […]
Forty and Counting Episode 2
The lobby at Babangida hospital was freshly-painted nude walls, narrow space lined with metal chairs and frames of smiling babies, old men and pregnant women, alongside motivational medical quotes – “Your body is a temple, treat it right” “COVID-19 is real, mask up”, “Minding your business is good medicine”. The receptionist’s counter was cordoned off […]
Forty and Counting Episode 1
The mesh of voices delivering the happy birthday song jolted Imade back to the present. One of her guests – Mena – was showing off her voice while singing, throwing in a few twists and turns that would give contestants on The Voice a run for their money. “…birthday to you…ou…ou.” Imade caught the tail […]