BENJY The door opened and his sister walked in.When they were younger, it had been a running joke in their home that Ore was not friends with closed doors. She could walk into the most intimate spaces without a knock, expecting all to be well. When she grew older and her brothers began to demand […]
The Siblings EP27
DEJI “So…Deji and Ivie, may I ask why you are here?” The way she said the why was what made Deji exchange looks with his wife. It was obvious why they were in the office of a marriage counsellor, wasn’t it? Their ship was sinking, they were drowning, they needed a life jacket or an […]
The Siblings EP26
ORE The cell phone in her hand felt hot. It wasn’t a literal hotness, it was one generated by Ore’s mind. She had finally responded to Terry’s Facebook message that night at dinner. In the bathroom, a sudden recklessness had overtaken her. Maybe it was because her own husband had not bothered to check on […]
The Siblings EP25
BENJY Benjy’s bombshell stunned Lizzy into silence. Stunned them both, actually. Benjy hadn’t known he had come to that conclusion until the words left his lips.“Are you sure? Are you serious?” she asked. “Don’t play with me, Benjy.”“I’m not. I mean, I don’t think so.”“For God’s sake, make up your damn mind. I’m sick of […]
The Siblings EP24
DEJI Finding the appropriate marriage counsellor wasn’t as easy as Deji expected. It wasn’t as if he could go about asking people for recommendations, not if he didn’t want people asking questions. It was interesting how people pretended that their marriages were perfect and they had never needed counselling. Before now, Deji would have placed […]
The Siblings EP23
ORE Being in Terry’s presence was intoxicating. Ore felt like she had the first time she tasted alcohol. It was at her first house party in university. This one had been thrown by her next-door neighbour; a third year Law student whose father worked in the House of Assembly. He was asking Ore’s roommate out […]
The Siblings EP22
BENJY Benjy had thought that he would feel a huge sense of relief when Lizzy finally got around to the idea of letting go of the baby instead he felt a sense of dread settle over him as he heard her words. He shook his head, a physical gesture that closely resembled the ones he […]
The Siblings EP21
DEJI Courage was finally admitting that you had been lying to yourself. It was one thing to pretend that something wasn’t happening, to look away each time the subject came up. It was like putting wallpaper over a damaged wall rather than fixing it. That’s what Deji had been doing, but since Lara’s question three […]
The Siblings EP20
ORE The day had arrived. If anyone asked Ore, she would deny that she had been anticipating this day, giddy like a school girl on the first day of school. She would swear that she did not buy the new outfit hanging in her wardrobe: a little red number that showed off her legs like […]
The Siblings EP19
BENJY Few things ruffled Benjy’s feathers like fighting with his sister. He and Ore had always shared a closeness that he lacked with his brother. She was vulnerable with him and he could often read her moods well enough to know when something was on her mind. It was interesting that while he was good […]